SEIU Labor Negotiations Summary
Published: January 02, 2019
The County of Sonoma and SEIU representatives held their 8th and 9th bargaining sessions on December 14th and 20th, 2018. During the December 14th meeting, the County provided a detailed response to SEIU’s proposal on County classification policy and offered conceptual ideas for advancing SEIU’s interests in that area. The County also provided a response to SEIU’s medical premium proposal, and the parties also continued to make progress on non-economic and clean-up areas in the labor agreement.
During the December 20th meeting, the County provided further responses and counter-proposals concerning SEIU’s economic proposals on paid leave benefits and SEIU provided an initial response and counter proposal to County’s proposals on salary, medical insurance, and dental insurance and also elaborated on Union proposals for State Disability Insurance and longevity pay. The parties also executed a tentative agreement regarding boot/shoe allowance benefits. The parties return to the bargaining table on January 17, 2019.